Do you have the right people?

Emotional health equals corporate wealth

Do you have the right people?

Emotional health equals corporate wealth

On the right bus?

Profitability doesn’t solely come from talents and smarts

Driving in the right direction?

Profitability is the result of engaged and psychologically healthy teams

You’re one employee away from the best or worst place to work

If you change nothing, nothing will change.

Simone Brown photo

Hi! I'm Simone Brown

After watching far too many companies lose their best performers, I set out to solve this problem. I developed effective frameworks grounded in science and data, to change leadership, teams and culture by shifting how leaders think, act and behave.


I've spent over 15 years creating and implementing marketing and communication strategies for business leaders, government officials and non-profit executives.

Data Driven

By leveraging neuroscience and emotional intelligence I create internal company shifts which result in increased connectivity and productivity.


I am a certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner, Erickson Coaching College graduate, with a BBA specializing in HR, and a diploma in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship.

My team

Kelsey Carlson

Kelsey Carlson

Research and Development

Kelsey is responsible for ensuring our training programs are grounded in science. She has a B.S. in Psychology, an M.S. in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology. She specializes in emotion processing and her most creative project till date has been using a robot to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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Christopher Brown

Strategy and Operations

Christopher offers strategic insight into program development and operations. He advises C-suite CEOs on their financial strategy so they can ensure the company’s talent is generating ROI efficiently. He holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, and has co-founded two energy-trading companies, a medical staffing firm, and an online insurance company.

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Our Core Values

Practice Radical Candor

We believe in 'The Elephant, The Stinky Fish and The Vomit.' We talk about the elephant in the room, even when it's uncomfortable. We don't stuff our stinky fish (crazy ideas, fears, failures) into a corner. Instead, we 'vomit' our thoughts, feelings and ideas, and we do all of this with kindness and humility.

Never Stop Learning

We live by the famous words "The day we stop learning is the day we die." We are intentional in the pursuit of knowledge and growth. We embrace saying "I don't know" but then seek out the answer. During every interaction with another human being, we step into the role of either the student or the teacher so we can actively learn, and share.

Always Add Value

If it doesn’t add value, we don’t do it. We are committed to making a difference, and collaborating with those who seek to create value within the ecosystem. We believe that contributing to a purposeful mission requires us to say no to the people and activities that prevent us from generating meaningful impact.

Contact Simone

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